Several people have asked about a sequel to Time Shift. At this time, there are no plans for a sequel. Time Shift was meant to be a standalone novel.

January 20, 2021
A Note from the Author:
Thank you for visiting my site. I created this site with two purposes in mind: showcase my novels and keep my readers informed about upcoming books and my writing progress. The latter will mainly be confined to this page, either through blog type posts with comments allowed or static entries like this one. I’ve tried to keep it simple. You won’t find birds flying across the screen or twinkling stars or spiffy screen animations, at least for now. This is a work in progress, so there’s no telling what might pop into my mind along the way.
At this point, the contact page is the simplest of them all—just an email address. If you want to reach me with a question or personal comment, email is the best way to do it. That same email address is also listed in each of my books.
You’ll note that this site does not ask you to subscribe with your name and email. There’s no cost to perusing any part of this site. But I do invite you to send me an email and allow me to place you on my mailing list. That way, you will be notified when I have a digital, paper, or audio book coming out. Trust me, you will not be inundated with emails. I don’t have time for that. You’ll get notifications only, that’s it. Maybe one email every few months.
You may be thinking that you’ll just continue to receive notifications through my Facebook business page. Actually, that’s another reason for this site. I plan to eventually transition out of my account with Facebook. While my business page has been fine with the comments and questions related to my books and stories (I love your comments), the rest of Facebook has become much too restless. I’ve lost friends because of politics.
I’m hoping this site can replace my Facebook page. For that to work, I need your email address on my mailing list. Your data will be kept only for that purpose and kept safe in a private list that will never be shared with anyone. And, for now at least, you are (or should be) able to leave a comment on this page (see below). In order to do so, you will need to enter a name and email. Those items show up on the back end of the site (viewable only by me), but will not be used for any purpose. I will not add them to my email list unless you send me an actual email specifically for that purpose. Keep in mind that comments and replies are viewable by everyone.
For those interested, I am at work on my next novel. I took a few months off to watch the world spiral into chaos, but I’m back to reality now. I’ve started the actual writing, but I’m still developing the story. There are two kinds of writers: plotters and pantsers. I’m very much in the latter category; I find out what happens at the same time my characters find out. It makes writing a whole lot more fun. My novels usually take three months to write. So, maybe by April I’ll have my first draft.
Thank you for stopping by this site and thank you for reading my books. And I hope to hear from you soon.
Just finished Time Shift and have read all three of the A Ripple In Time series. Currently reading your Thoughts on Writing Fiction & Self-Publishing. Excellent practical advice and exactly what I was hoping to read.I’ve thought about self-publishing and have even started writing. Do you know how many hours I spent trying to decide my document size? Wish I had read that part much sooner along with all the other advice.
Hope you will go on a book tour sometime. We have an excellent locally owned book store in Raleigh, NC called Quail Ridge Books. Would love to see you come there sometime!
Thanks for all of your stories!
PS, please add me to any email lists you have.